Designing a future for disadvantaged kids

Your donations to scholarships create far-reaching opportunities for youth

As a former foster child, Julia* knows all too well what it feels like to be separated from everything you know and unsure of the future. She wistfully watched high school friends fizzing with excitement about college and university, confident in their parents’ support. While Julia’s case manager at the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto (CCAS) had reassured her that everything would be okay, it felt like a gift from heaven when she received a college tuition scholarship from the Catholic Children’s Aid Foundation (CCAF).

“It was so comforting having the scholarship and knowing that I could just focus on my studies,” says Julia of the gift that paid for four years in Humber College’s Interior Design Program. “I feel incredibly lucky.”

How CCAF scholarships bridge the opportunity gap

Each year, the CCAF gives out over 65 scholarships to Catholic youth who grew up in extended CCAS care. The bursaries offer young people the chance to attend college, university, apprenticeship or teaching programs. What all the scholarships have in common is that they provide brighter futures for kids who face extraordinary obstacles in life. Research shows that 56% of Ontario youth in extended care drop out of high school; those who graduate are 66% less likely to get post-secondary education than the general population.

“Youth in care have often moved around a lot, experienced trauma or hit other barriers that impact their scholastic success,” says Jim Gilligan, Executive Director of the CCAF. “Donating to help fund scholarships lifts these kids toward new opportunities.”

CCAF bursaries empower the dreams of at-risk youth

Julia certainly leapt at the opportunity. She was interested in design even as a young girl. (Read more about her story here.) To afford Humber College’s Interior Design Program—including a co-op term with a luxury residential design firm—was a dream come true.

“It feels so great and rewarding to be a junior interior designer now,” says Julia, who graduated in 2022 and hopes to donate to CCAF someday. “These scholarships bring hope and help kids know that they are not alone. They allow foster children to get the same opportunities that other people get.”

How you can help build brighter futures

Your donations can potentially help even more vulnerable youth now that the CCAF is exploring endowments for trades or practical schools. “Just this week, the CCAF approved a payment to help a young woman become an esthetician,” Gilligan says.

You can learn more about scholarships or call 416-395-1658 if you or your organization would like to explore funding a new bursary through the CCAF.

As for Julia, it’s no surprise to learn that she goes beyond choosing beautiful furnishings and focuses on instilling heart and warmth into her design work, “What I love about interior design is creating a home where people can really come together.”

*Name changed for privacy reasons.

Read more stories about impactful CCAF programs.

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