Christmas Donation

Christmas Donation Form

  • We would love to recognize your generosity in our publications. Please note that the nature and the amount of gift will remain confidential
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

For Donor’s Information:

We will utilize this form for better tracking and managing of the in-kind donations coming into the Foundation. The Foundation understands that expression of interest to donate by the donor is subject to change and non-enforceable.

You are not in any way obligated to purchase everything on their wishlist but we do recommend budgeting $200 per person sponsored and $100 grocery gift card for the family.

Deadline to drop off the gifts at 2206 Eglinton Ave. East is December 14. This will allow the staff to deliver the gifts to the families in time for Christmas. Schedule of drop-off times can be viewed here.

We encourage you to visit the FAQ section of the Christmas Program page to help answer some of your questions. Alternatively, you may leave us a message through the contact form.

Thank you for your interest in ‘adopting’ a family this holiday season!