Transforming lives with generous scholarships

CCAF financial support helps vulnerable youth create bright futures

Oluwatobi Falana, a second-year law student at McGill University, exudes excitement about her future law career. Yet her vision of becoming a lawyer once seemed highly unlikely. Growing up in extended care, she doubted her ability to afford university. Thanks to scholarships from the Catholic Children’s Aid Foundation (CCAF), however, her dream is now within reach.

“CCAF support lifted me out of struggle,” says Falana. “I was a foster child, and now I’m becoming a lawyer. How often do you hear stories like that?”

Overcoming barriers and financial hurdles with CCAF scholarships

Having endured trauma and frequent moves, youth in extended care often face academic challenges and an uncertain future. They also have no family support and minimal government funding at a time when housing and tuition costs are at an all-time high.

CCAF scholarships provide a lifeline for these Catholic youth, enabling them to pursue higher education and a better life. CCAF awards over 65 bursaries each year, enabling students to attend university, college, teaching or apprenticeship programs.

“Scholarships like these create futures for high-risk youth,” says Jim Gilligan, Executive Director of the CCAF. “Oluwatobi is going to be very successful, thanks to her efforts and the support of our CCAF donors.”

Foundation offers holistic support beyond tuition

Supporting youth in child welfare isn’t just about tuition cheques. Falana’s social worker from the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto (CCAS) encouraged her to apply for CCAF scholarships in high school. CCAF bursaries and additional funding covered her undergraduate tuition at Queen’s University, housing for an internship at McCarthy Tétrault law firm, expenses for law school and attendance at the Black Law Students Association of Canada conference.

“When she needed help with conference costs, I said ‘No problem,’” says Gilligan. “Sometimes needs arise that go beyond scholarships and into CCAF’s mission to support youth readiness. We want to make sure these kids get through.”

“I owe a lot of my success to CCAF,” agrees Falana. “Yes, it comes down to my hard work, but their support alleviated a lot of stress.”

Impactful philanthropy: how CCAF donors make a difference

Falana is among many young achievers whose careers were launched by generous, donor-funded CCAF scholarships. It’s no wonder many members of the Catholic community have established ongoing funding for CCAF bursaries, including Dr. Hugh Siddall, the O’Brien family and community groups such as the Catholic Women’s League of Canada.

 You can also help with a donation today.

Former foster child shows the power of diversity and inclusion

Falana, inspired by a youth and family lawyer she met through CCAS, initially considered a similar path. After the McCarthy Tétrault internship, however, she’s considering litigation at a big law firm that also supports pro bono work.

“There’s not a lot of Black, Indigenous and people of colour in these spaces,” she explains. “Black girls who want to be lawyers can’t see themselves there. So, I’m thinking, why can’t I represent for them?”

Read more stories about impactful CCAF programs.

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