Your bequest helps the Foundation protect at-risk babies, children and youth
Lucy Banel had no way of knowing who she would be helping when she left $1.2 million in her will to the Catholic Children’s Aid Foundation (CCAF). Yet her gift is already making a life changing difference for children and families and will help countless others.
Banel’s gift helped the CCAF safely house a family supported by the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto (CCAS) after they were suddenly evicted from their apartment. Her generosity also helped the CCAF fund tuition fees and a brighter future for a youth in extended care.

Making an impact with tax benefits and a lasting legacy
“Donors like Lucy are guardian angels who help us do good in the world,” says Jim Gilligan, Executive Director of the CCAF. “They help us create and maintain innovative new programs that support Catholic children, youth, mothers and fathers.”
You don’t have to be a millionaire to make an immediate impact. To assist at-risk families, children and young adults, you can donate today or leave a gift of any kind or size in your will. The latter option costs you nothing now, has tax benefits for your family, and compounds your impact for generations.
Two planned gift options: residual bequests and specific bequests
There are two simple ways to remember CCAF in your will. A “residual bequest” allows you to leave the remainder of your estate to CCAF after all debts have been paid and all your bequests to loved ones have been made. Alternatively, you can include a “specific bequest” in your will that designates either a certain amount of money or specific gifts-in-kind, such as art or jewelry. The gifts-in-kind are then sold, and proceeds support desperately needed CCAF programs.
“It’s such a Christian gesture to donate via your will for the pure sake of giving, rather than receiving accolades,” says Gilligan.
These planned donations help fund initiatives like scholarships and the Youth Readiness project to create a future for vulnerable youth; the Young Parents Wraparound Project which keeps the little ones of new parents out of child welfare care; and the Male Engagement program which helps troubled dads learn to parent.

Arranging your planned gift
Visit our Planned Giving page to discover even more easy ways to posthumously support CCAF via Life Insurance Gifts, gifts of publicly traded stocks and securities. All options help others while providing excellent tax benefits.
Getting independent professional advice from a financial advisor or lawyer can help you choose the gift that is most appropriate for you and your family. If you’re unclear about which type of planned gift works best for you, call 416-395-1658 and talk to a CCAF staff member. What’s certain is that whatever you give, you’ll be protecting children and lifting up families for generations to come.
Read more stories about impactful CCAF programs.
Donate today to help us give more families a brighter future.